Five wounds chaplet

 First Wound–The Left Foot.

My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly adore the painful wound of Thy Left Foot. Ah! by the pain which Thou didst feel therein, and by the blood which Thou didst shed from that foot, grant me the grace to fly the occasions of sin, and not to walk in the way of iniquity, which leads to perdition.

Glory be to the Father, etc., five times.

One Hail, Mary! and Holy Mother! pierce me, etc., as above.

Second Wound-The Right Foot.

My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly adore the painful wound of Thy Right Foot. Ah! by the pain which Thou didst feel therein, and by the blood which Thou didst shed from that foot, grant me the grace to walk constantly in the way of Christian virtue, even to the entrance of Paradise.

Glory be to the Father, etc., five times.

One Hail, Mary! and Holy Motherl etc., as before.

Third Wound-The Left Hand.

My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly adore the painful wound of Thy Left Hand. Ah! by the pain which Thou didst feel therein, and by the blood which Thou didst shed from that hand, deliver me from being found at Thy left hand with the reprobate, at the last judgment.

Glory be to the Father, five times.

One Hail, Mary! and Holy Mother! etc., as before.

Fourth Wound-The Right Hand.

My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly adore the painful wound of Thy Right Hand. Ah! by the pain which Thou didst feel therein, and by the blood which Thou didst shed from that hand, bless my soul and conduct it to Thy kingdom.

Glory be to the Father, etc., five times.

One Hail, Mary! and Holy Mother! etc., as before.

Fifth Wound-The Side

My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly adore the wound in Thy Sacred Side. Ah! by the blood which Thou didst shed from it, enkindle in my heart the fire of Thy love, and give me grace to persevere in loving Thee for all eternity.

Glory be to the Father, etc., five times.

One Hail, Mary! and Holy Mother! etc., as before.

(Either of the above methods of reciting the Chaplet suffice to gain all the indulgences.)

Also see: Article in The Passionist December 1951

on The Chaplet of the Five Wounds

