Holy wounds prayer composed by St. Clare

 Composed & Prayed Daily by Saint Clare of Assisi

 Saint Francis, pray for us! Saint Clare, pray for us! Our Lady of Angels, pray for us!

I. In Honor of the Wound in the Right Hand of Our Divine Savior

Praise and honor be given You, Lord Jesus Christ, by reason of the of Sacred Wound in your Right Hand. By this holy and adorable wound, I beseech you to pardon all of the sins that I have committed by thought, word, and deed; by neglecting my service to you, and by self-indulgence, both while awake and asleep. Grant me the grace, that by devout and frequent remembrance of your Holy Passion, I may honor your sacred wounds and the death which you endured for my sake; and that by chastising my body, I may testify my gratitude for your sufferings and your death. Our Father. Hail Mary. Amen.

2. In Honor of the Wound in the Left Hand of Our Divine Savior

Praise and honor be given You, Lord Jesus Christ, by reason of the Sacred Wound in your Left Hand. By this holy and adorable wound, I beseech you to have pity on me and to change within me whatever is displeasing to you. Grant me victory over your enemies, so that by the power of  your grace, I may overcome them. And by your holy death, deliver me from all dangers, present and future, and make me worthy to share in the glory of your blessed kingdom. Our Father. Hail Mary. Amen.

3. In Honor of the Wound in the Right Foot of Our Divine Savior

Praise and honor be given You, Lord Jesus Christ, by reason of the Sacred Wound in your Right Foot. By this holy and adorable wound, I beseech you to enable me to bring forth worthy fruits of penance for my sins. I humbly entreat you, for the sake of your holy death, to keep me safe, day and night, according to your holy will and to preserve me from all adversity, in body and soul, so that on the judgment day, I may obtain eternal joy. Our Father. Hail Mary. Amen.

4. In Honor of the Wound in the Left Foot of Our Divine Savior

Praise and honor be given You, Lord Jesus Christ, by reason of the Sacred Wound in your Left Foot. By this holy and adorable wound, I beseech you to forgive my sins and to grant full remission for my sins, so that with your help, I may escape the rigors of your justice. I entreat you, Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake of your holy death, to grant that at the hour of my death, I may have the grace to confess my sins with perfect contrition; to receive the Blessed Sacrament of Your Body and Blood; and to receive the Sacrament of Holy Annointing for the sake of my eternal salvation. Our Father. Hail Mary. Amen.

5. In Honor the Wound in the Side of Our Divine Savior

Praise and honor be given You, Lord Jesus Christ, by reason of the Sacred Wound in your Side. By this holy and adorable wound and by the Baptism with which you purified me from original sin, I beseech you to deliver me from all evils — past, present, and future. I entreat you, by your bitter death, to give me a lively faith, a firm hope, and perfect charity, so that I may love you with my whole heart, with my whole soul, and with all my strength. Uphold me by your grace through the practice of good works, so that I may serve you always in this life and praise you forever in heaven. Our Father. Hail Mary. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Almighty God and Father,

who ransomed the human race

by the five wounds of your Only Son,

our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,

help us to venerate these holy wounds

and to praise and serve you forever and ever.

We make this prayer through Christ Jesus, Our Lord.


Saint Francis, pray for us!

Saint Clare, pray for us!

All Saints of Assisi, pray for us!

Our Lady of the Angels, pray for us!


