Promises of meditating on Jesus passion

From St Faustina diary:

Take Jesus' words to heart: “There is more merit to one hour of meditation on My sorrowful Passion than there is to a whole year of flagellation that draws blood; the contemplation of My painful wounds is of great profit to you, and it brings Me great joy” (Diary, 369)

Jesus told me that I please Him best by meditating on His sorrowful Passion, and by such meditation much light falls upon my soul” (Diary, 267). Jesus told His little bride, “There are few souls who contemplate My Passion with true feeling; I give great graces to souls who meditate devoutly on My Passion” (Diary, 737).

He said, “My daughter, meditate frequently on the sufferings which I have undergone for your sake, and then nothing of what you suffer for Me will seem great to you. You please me most when you meditate on My Sorrowful Passion. Join your little sufferings to My Sorrowful Passion, so that they may have infinite value before My Majesty” (Diary, 1512).

